New Era Calc. Phos. assists with acne, adolescent pimples, skin slow to heal and sore lips. It helps in the removal of waste products from the blood stream and has a cleansing and purifying influence throughout the system. Biotin supports healthy hair, skin and nails, helps the nervous system function properly and is necessary for cell growth and energy.
Calc. Sulph. is a blood purifier. It is found in the liver where it helps in the removal of waste products from the blood stream and it has a cleansing and purifying influence throughout the system. Calc. Sulph. cleans out the accumulation of non-functional, organic matter in the tissues and causes infiltrated parts to discharge their contents readily, throwing-off decaying organic matter, so that it may not lie dormant or slowly decay and thus injure the surrounding tissues.
Deficiency Symptoms
Skin conditions eg pimples
Slow healing wounds
Sore throat or colds
Lactose, biotin, Calcium Sulphate.
No added artificial additives, vegetarian, gluten free
Recommended Dosage
Adults: 4 Tablets. Children: 2 Tablets. Infants: 1 crushed tablet added to liquid
To be dissolved directly on the tongue.
Chronic cases 3 doses daily
Acute cases every half hour until symptoms subside
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of young children.