To assist with blood stream oxygenation, chills, fevers, inflammation, congestion coughs and colds.
Key Ingredients
Ferr. Phos. is the pre-eminent Biochemic First Aid. It is the oxygen carrier. It enters into the composition of haemoglobin, the red colouring matter of the blood. It takes up oxygen from the air inhaled by the lungs and carries it in the blood stream to all parts of the body thus furnishing the vital force that sustains life. It gives strength and toughness to the circular walls of the blood vessels, especially the arteries.
Indications for Use
To assist with blood stream oxygenation, chills, fevers, inflammation, congestion coughs and colds.
Lactose, Biotin, Iron Phosphate.
Recommended Dosage
Adults: 4 Tablets. Children: 2 Tablets. Infants: 1 crushed tablet added to liquid
To be dissolved directly on the tongue.
Chronic cases 3 doses daily
Acute cases every half hour until symptoms subside
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.