For general debility, impaired digestion, teething trouble and chilblains.
Key Ingredients
Calc. Phos. is the tissue salt concerned with nutrition. It combines with albumin and is indicated when there are albuminous discharges. Without Calc. Phos. there could be no blood coagulation. It will assist the action of a more directly indicated tissue salt and thus produce more rapid results. It promotes healthy cellular activity and restores tone to weakened organs and tissues. This tissue salt is concerned with the formation of bone and teeth and thus becomes an important remedy for children. It aids growth and normal development and should be given in cases of backwardness more particularly where there is bone weakness or recurring tooth troubles.
Indications for Use
For general debility, impaired digestion, teething trouble and chilblains.
Lactose, Biotin, Calcium Phosphate.
Recommended Dosage
Adults: 4 Tablets. Children: 2 Tablets. Infants: 1 crushed tablet added to liquid
To be dissolved directly on the tongue.
Chronic cases 3 doses daily
Acute cases every half hour until symptoms subside
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.